Tuesday, April 3, 2007

blog address

here is my blog address


Zee M said...

Week of May 5-11-2008

The video on IRB is interesting. We are able to comprehend the reasons of consent needed for researchers. It was horrible in the past. Researchers or Scientists used humans for experiments without informing them about the risks. IRB has done a great job over the years.
This week I will continue working on my Lit review. I have good comments from my colleagues and Dr. Newberry. I need to work on the submission of my IRB form as well. I can foresee an overwhelming weekend.

Darlene Pitman said...

Zee, you asked about forms with the IRB and the actual submission does require consent forms and a survey question list so I included those. This class is intense, but I can see that at the end I will be happy so much is accomplished.

Edtech Etchings said...

“...Scientists used humans for experiments without informing them about the risks.”

It’s noteworthy how as researchers we are learning to abide by laws, rules and respect when involved with human research. Yet fluoride in drinking water has been an ongoing debate.

Recently it was announced that starting this fall (2008) in October water treatment plants in Los Angeles, parts of Riverside and San Bernardino counties will be increasing fluoride levels beyond 1 part per million.

I think we can all handle the truth!

May 19, 2008 - Breaking News Story (ABC-News)
Over 1,700 Professionals Call for an End to Fluoridation of Drinking Water

Leading Dental Researcher Speaks out Against Water Fluoridation

This “must see” video is on the history of Shaping Public Policy on the Toxicity of Fluoride
The Fluoride Deception (Interview with Christopher Bryson) http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=fluoride&sitesearch=


Zee M said...

Week of May 12-18

It was a very busy week and I was busy working on my IRB application and proposal. I agree with Darlene's comment. We are stressed out now but we will be relaxed towards the end of the thesis.

Zee M said...

Week of May 19-25

I am working on my consent form and an additional assent form for the parents of students under eighteen participating in the study.

maria said...

hi Zee

The IRB is a long assignment. I think I'm missing the survey questions, but this past week I was so focused on my inteview that I couldn't focus on my homework.

Zee M said...

Week of May 26-June 01

This week was extremely busy I was sick and missed my etec 634 class. Once I pulled my self back I realized that I missed my F2F class. I was lucky to be able to make up on my class and complete it.
Thanks to Dr. Newberry for his assistance.

Zee M said...

Final week of June 2-8

I have almost completed my prototype. I added some corrections after beta testing and have a few more corretions to add.
I am brainstorming with my children as sample students to make the prototype effective and clear.